Sunday, June 13, 2010


Here is what I will be saying in my podcast. I wrote it as if I was going second.

Another aspect I’d like to bring to your attention is answering the questions, What’s the Big Idea? We recently did a lesson where students learned about what materials can recycled and where you can recycle those different materials. Following this lesson I should a digital story about the 3 R’s of recycling. Student learned about different ways they can recycle, even if it is going something small they now know there is something they can do to help. The digital story also gave students facts about recycling that I believe got the students more focused on the unit about recycling.

The final aspect I’d like to bring to your attention is called Learning Organization. Learning organization is when students and their classmates can work together to expand their capability to create the results the desire. Students recently collected data on different materials their classmates and other classes recycle. Even though the students collected the data on their own they were still working with other students figuring out who recycles what. Once students collected their data they inputted the data into Excel on the computer and created graphs of the data. Students were excited to visually see how much of different materials their classmates recycle.

Thank you for listening and we hope that you enjoy what we are doing with your students. We also hope that you have a great time recycling by your student’s side outside of the school.

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