Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ideas for Concept map

I'm going to be working on the website today. I have a very busy schedule the next two days, so Sunday will be the next time I have any time to work on it. Therefore I am going to get as much done today as I possibly can.

As for what I am going to do for my pages (concept map ideas)
- A powerpoint about the benefits of Aluminum Can Recycling.
- I am going to include both my lesson plans in a section called, "Recycling Out of the Classroom"__ My 2 lessons are called Life of Trash and Recycling Attitude Survey.
- For 1 or 2 things that we didn't work on in class I am going to write about - which gives the lastest Green News and Lifestyles, Recycling Tips, and Business Solutions. I will also mention another website - called which is a website designed for students to look after our planet. The Greens show us ways to do so through short video clips and interactive games.
- Then of course I will put in my Digital Story which was about "One man's trash, another man's treasure." It based on using everyday household items that you would normally throw away and turn them into usuable everyday household items.

- Where can we find our podcast in it's final form? We need that.

- I am also not remembering the e-Pals assignment, did we do that as a team or was that an individual assignment?

Hope this makes sense, if you have questions let me know, I am going to be working on this the rest of today. I'll probably blog some more questions as I go through today.

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