Friday, June 11, 2010


For the podcast we need to both use concepts from the textbook, but each use different ones. Do you know what the concepts are or where we can find them at in the text?

To do take it that this podcast is just use telling the parents overall what the project is?I guess I am a litt confused on what we need to be talking about.

I see that we need to have music and make sure that both are podcasts can flow into each others nicely. Do you think we should use the same music?

Also, do you think we have anything we need to change on our collaborative inspiration concept map? Is there anything you'd like to add or remove? For my movie I did the 3 R's of recycling, I think it would be cool to add that to the final project as well. But I dont want us to have to much. Let me know what you are thinking.

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure that the "concepts" can be anything thats mentioned in the text. If you are struggling to find important ones look at the Quizzes we have taken. Those questions directly relate to important factors from the book.

    For the podcast we are just giving an overview of some aspects of our project, so basically we can talk about the lesson plans we've created, include a couple things from the text and talk about things from the concept map.

    Sure we can use the same music, I dont really care what it is so if you'd like pick it out and tell me where I go to find it that'd be awesome.

    We can definately add and cut some things from the concept map. I think that's a great idea. I can update it with whatever you'd like just let me know what you want added.
