Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Update as of Saturday-10am

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. I have been having visiting out of town all week.
I think I have gotten everything on the website that I can at this point. To answer some of your questions..
- I have no idea where we can get that final podcast, but I will email Mark and see what he can tell me.
-I already added the epals and map activity we did. That was an activity that we worked on today having students 'pen pal' with another class in Liverpool.. Not sure if that helps you remember the activity or not.

But now I have a few questions..
- Do you know how to change the order of the pages? The directions say we need to have the navigation bar in a logical order.. I've been trying to figure it out but cant. If you know how I think the order should go: home, then the pages I made, then the pages you made, and finally the follow us online page.

-Did you already delete the 'recent activities' section already?

- I saw for your digital story you actually have the video there. I couldn't figure out how to do that.. I only have the link to youtube to watch it. I was also wondering how to put the map in rather then the link..Is the possible?

I think that is it for all my questions. Sunday when I work on last details I will add the concept map into the location you suggested on the homepage.

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