Sunday, June 27, 2010
I couldn't figure out how to change the order either, but I'll try to figure it out today. I haven't deleted the recent activity section yet either, but I will do that today, too. If your link is on our website (which I believe it is) than I'll just change it so that the video shows up. As far as the map goes I am not sure on how to make it appear. I made a power point presentation and I cant figure out how to make it show up either so I'm just going to link it and call it good.
If you think of anything else that needs to be done let me know and we can also decide on who wants to "turn in" this project too.
I am going to go through everything again and make sure we havent left anything out. I am going to shoot for 6 or 7 oclock to have all my stuff done. Did Mark ever tell you where we can find the podcast?
If you think of anything else that needs to be done let me know and we can also decide on who wants to "turn in" this project too.
I am going to go through everything again and make sure we havent left anything out. I am going to shoot for 6 or 7 oclock to have all my stuff done. Did Mark ever tell you where we can find the podcast?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
My Update as of Saturday-10am
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. I have been having visiting out of town all week.
I think I have gotten everything on the website that I can at this point. To answer some of your questions..
- I have no idea where we can get that final podcast, but I will email Mark and see what he can tell me.
-I already added the epals and map activity we did. That was an activity that we worked on today having students 'pen pal' with another class in Liverpool.. Not sure if that helps you remember the activity or not.
But now I have a few questions..
- Do you know how to change the order of the pages? The directions say we need to have the navigation bar in a logical order.. I've been trying to figure it out but cant. If you know how I think the order should go: home, then the pages I made, then the pages you made, and finally the follow us online page.
-Did you already delete the 'recent activities' section already?
- I saw for your digital story you actually have the video there. I couldn't figure out how to do that.. I only have the link to youtube to watch it. I was also wondering how to put the map in rather then the link..Is the possible?
I think that is it for all my questions. Sunday when I work on last details I will add the concept map into the location you suggested on the homepage.
I think I have gotten everything on the website that I can at this point. To answer some of your questions..
- I have no idea where we can get that final podcast, but I will email Mark and see what he can tell me.
-I already added the epals and map activity we did. That was an activity that we worked on today having students 'pen pal' with another class in Liverpool.. Not sure if that helps you remember the activity or not.
But now I have a few questions..
- Do you know how to change the order of the pages? The directions say we need to have the navigation bar in a logical order.. I've been trying to figure it out but cant. If you know how I think the order should go: home, then the pages I made, then the pages you made, and finally the follow us online page.
-Did you already delete the 'recent activities' section already?
- I saw for your digital story you actually have the video there. I couldn't figure out how to do that.. I only have the link to youtube to watch it. I was also wondering how to put the map in rather then the link..Is the possible?
I think that is it for all my questions. Sunday when I work on last details I will add the concept map into the location you suggested on the homepage.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Update on my progress
I worked on the website today, if there is anything you want me to change just let me know. I tried to get as much accomplished today as possible. I'll get back online tomorrow around 7 to check for any updates from you, but after that I am not going to have much time to work on it until Sunday. Sunday I have all day again and I believe I got a pretty good start today, so Sunday shouldn't be to challenging.
Let me know what you think or what I need to change or any questions you have
Thanks, Brad
9:34 pm - Thursday
Let me know what you think or what I need to change or any questions you have
Thanks, Brad
9:34 pm - Thursday
Ideas for Concept map
I'm going to be working on the website today. I have a very busy schedule the next two days, so Sunday will be the next time I have any time to work on it. Therefore I am going to get as much done today as I possibly can.
As for what I am going to do for my pages (concept map ideas)
- A powerpoint about the benefits of Aluminum Can Recycling.
- I am going to include both my lesson plans in a section called, "Recycling Out of the Classroom"__ My 2 lessons are called Life of Trash and Recycling Attitude Survey.
- For 1 or 2 things that we didn't work on in class I am going to write about - Earth911.com which gives the lastest Green News and Lifestyles, Recycling Tips, and Business Solutions. I will also mention another website - called meetthegreens.org which is a website designed for students to look after our planet. The Greens show us ways to do so through short video clips and interactive games.
- Then of course I will put in my Digital Story which was about "One man's trash, another man's treasure." It based on using everyday household items that you would normally throw away and turn them into usuable everyday household items.
- Where can we find our podcast in it's final form? We need that.
- I am also not remembering the e-Pals assignment, did we do that as a team or was that an individual assignment?
Hope this makes sense, if you have questions let me know, I am going to be working on this the rest of today. I'll probably blog some more questions as I go through today.
As for what I am going to do for my pages (concept map ideas)
- A powerpoint about the benefits of Aluminum Can Recycling.
- I am going to include both my lesson plans in a section called, "Recycling Out of the Classroom"__ My 2 lessons are called Life of Trash and Recycling Attitude Survey.
- For 1 or 2 things that we didn't work on in class I am going to write about - Earth911.com which gives the lastest Green News and Lifestyles, Recycling Tips, and Business Solutions. I will also mention another website - called meetthegreens.org which is a website designed for students to look after our planet. The Greens show us ways to do so through short video clips and interactive games.
- Then of course I will put in my Digital Story which was about "One man's trash, another man's treasure." It based on using everyday household items that you would normally throw away and turn them into usuable everyday household items.
- Where can we find our podcast in it's final form? We need that.
- I am also not remembering the e-Pals assignment, did we do that as a team or was that an individual assignment?
Hope this makes sense, if you have questions let me know, I am going to be working on this the rest of today. I'll probably blog some more questions as I go through today.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I was wondering if you have figured out yet how to invite me to the website? I signed in using the infor you gave me and the inforamtion I am posting says your name next to it... Which probably means that I wont get credit for any of the work I do... Thanks.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thanks for making the website! I think the information we are suppose to put on the website the information from the concept map. And since you made the last one I can make the new one. I was thinking about having four different things coming off the concept map, this way we both only have to worry about two pages. What would you like to do. If you want to do things that go along with other projects we have done, that would probably work best. I would like to do one thing that has to do with the Three R's of recycling and different materials that can be recycled. Let me know what you are thinking and want on the concept map. I think once the concept map is complete we can have a pretty easy time putting our pages together. Let me know what you are thinking. Thanks, Amber
Created a Website
I just created a website and started to work on it. Im not sure how to connect you to it. The email is recyclingteachers@gmail.com and the password is recycling2010. You can log into it with this information. Im really just starting to play around with it. We need to figure out what we want to put on here, so we dont do the same things. Let me know if you have any ideas. Im going to keep thinking, I'll let you know what I come up with later today. I'll try to figure out how to connect you directly to the website too. Thanks, Brad.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Module 6 & 7
I was wondering if anytime Monday before 9 you were avaiable for use to work on the next module together. I hope Monday we can get 6 & 7 done.. But I also have family comning to visit so if we could even start in on Module 8 that would be perfect. Let me know! :)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Here is what I will be saying in my podcast. I wrote it as if I was going second.
Another aspect I’d like to bring to your attention is answering the questions, What’s the Big Idea? We recently did a lesson where students learned about what materials can recycled and where you can recycle those different materials. Following this lesson I should a digital story about the 3 R’s of recycling. Student learned about different ways they can recycle, even if it is going something small they now know there is something they can do to help. The digital story also gave students facts about recycling that I believe got the students more focused on the unit about recycling.
The final aspect I’d like to bring to your attention is called Learning Organization. Learning organization is when students and their classmates can work together to expand their capability to create the results the desire. Students recently collected data on different materials their classmates and other classes recycle. Even though the students collected the data on their own they were still working with other students figuring out who recycles what. Once students collected their data they inputted the data into Excel on the computer and created graphs of the data. Students were excited to visually see how much of different materials their classmates recycle.
Thank you for listening and we hope that you enjoy what we are doing with your students. We also hope that you have a great time recycling by your student’s side outside of the school.
Another aspect I’d like to bring to your attention is answering the questions, What’s the Big Idea? We recently did a lesson where students learned about what materials can recycled and where you can recycle those different materials. Following this lesson I should a digital story about the 3 R’s of recycling. Student learned about different ways they can recycle, even if it is going something small they now know there is something they can do to help. The digital story also gave students facts about recycling that I believe got the students more focused on the unit about recycling.
The final aspect I’d like to bring to your attention is called Learning Organization. Learning organization is when students and their classmates can work together to expand their capability to create the results the desire. Students recently collected data on different materials their classmates and other classes recycle. Even though the students collected the data on their own they were still working with other students figuring out who recycles what. Once students collected their data they inputted the data into Excel on the computer and created graphs of the data. Students were excited to visually see how much of different materials their classmates recycle.
Thank you for listening and we hope that you enjoy what we are doing with your students. We also hope that you have a great time recycling by your student’s side outside of the school.
My Podcast
This is what I am going to read. I wrote this as if I was going first, so if you would will you continue talking after I have talked about social bookmarking at the end.
Hello, I am here today to inform you on some of the aspects that we have been working on in class over the past several weeks. First of all, we have begun our Recycling Unit and we are having great success. We have complete several lessons on recycling which included the “The Life of Trash” and a “Recycling Attitude Survey.” I would like to say thank you to everyone who completed a Recycling Attitude Questionnaire and thank you for helping the students turn those 10 questionnaires in. Through these lessons and several others our students have been practicing project-based learning. This type of learning in intended to get deep thoughts and knowledge from the students. Technology is often used to help students generate questions and formulate ideas. This has become a very successful part of our classroom during the Recycling Unit. We have been to the computer lab multiple times and we will continue to use computers and other forms of technology as we continue our journey.
Another aspect that I would like to bring to your attention is all the fun recycling ideas that we have or will learn about in class. For starters, we have been discussing the “Expanding and Exploring of Recycling” regularly. This has sort of been the staple of the entire unit. We have even taken a few virtual field trips during this part of class. With budgets being cut we have used technology and specifically virtual field trips to explore the world. We took a virtual field to a junk yard in just 20 minutes and no one had to get out of their seats. We have also discussed things like the process of recycling and they way things can be reused. We have found very innovative and creative ways to reuse everyday items.
Another aspect that I would like to bring to your attention is social bookmarking. Social bookmarking is a way to organize and share internet pages, so that they can be easily accessed. I am currently working to incorporate a social bookmarking page on my website. I will let everyone know immediately when this is complete because it will give you and the students some great Internet websites; not only for recycling but for all subjects. I am also going to take parent suggestions, so if you find an appropriate and informative website let me know.
Hello, I am here today to inform you on some of the aspects that we have been working on in class over the past several weeks. First of all, we have begun our Recycling Unit and we are having great success. We have complete several lessons on recycling which included the “The Life of Trash” and a “Recycling Attitude Survey.” I would like to say thank you to everyone who completed a Recycling Attitude Questionnaire and thank you for helping the students turn those 10 questionnaires in. Through these lessons and several others our students have been practicing project-based learning. This type of learning in intended to get deep thoughts and knowledge from the students. Technology is often used to help students generate questions and formulate ideas. This has become a very successful part of our classroom during the Recycling Unit. We have been to the computer lab multiple times and we will continue to use computers and other forms of technology as we continue our journey.
Another aspect that I would like to bring to your attention is all the fun recycling ideas that we have or will learn about in class. For starters, we have been discussing the “Expanding and Exploring of Recycling” regularly. This has sort of been the staple of the entire unit. We have even taken a few virtual field trips during this part of class. With budgets being cut we have used technology and specifically virtual field trips to explore the world. We took a virtual field to a junk yard in just 20 minutes and no one had to get out of their seats. We have also discussed things like the process of recycling and they way things can be reused. We have found very innovative and creative ways to reuse everyday items.
Another aspect that I would like to bring to your attention is social bookmarking. Social bookmarking is a way to organize and share internet pages, so that they can be easily accessed. I am currently working to incorporate a social bookmarking page on my website. I will let everyone know immediately when this is complete because it will give you and the students some great Internet websites; not only for recycling but for all subjects. I am also going to take parent suggestions, so if you find an appropriate and informative website let me know.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
My plans/ Check the comment boxes
I just wanted to make sure you check the comment boxes down below. They kind of get pushed down and I wanted to make sure you read them, too.
I plan on completing my lesson plan today (Saturday 3:00) and I may even start writing a script for my part of the Podcast. I will for sure have it written by this time tomorrow afternoon, I will post it as soon as I get it done on here. (We have to decided who is going to talk first?) What I post is pretty much exactly what I am going to read.
Any questions let me know
I plan on completing my lesson plan today (Saturday 3:00) and I may even start writing a script for my part of the Podcast. I will for sure have it written by this time tomorrow afternoon, I will post it as soon as I get it done on here. (We have to decided who is going to talk first?) What I post is pretty much exactly what I am going to read.
Any questions let me know
2 concepts from the text
I am going to talk about project-based learning and social bookmarking for sure. I'll probably also add in virtual field trips and the Big 6.
I am also going to talk about both my lesson plans, from the concept map I am going to talk about Expanding and Exploring Recycling (this is where I might talk about virtual fieldtrips), the process of recycling paper, glass, etc..., and ways things can be over reused.
That would leave you with places to recycle, different types of recyclables, and the 3 r's, if thats okay with you. Let me know if you have any problems with this, I am willing to switch up anything. I just thought that this would give us a good start. Please let me know what you think.
I am also going to talk about both my lesson plans, from the concept map I am going to talk about Expanding and Exploring Recycling (this is where I might talk about virtual fieldtrips), the process of recycling paper, glass, etc..., and ways things can be over reused.
That would leave you with places to recycle, different types of recyclables, and the 3 r's, if thats okay with you. Let me know if you have any problems with this, I am willing to switch up anything. I just thought that this would give us a good start. Please let me know what you think.
Friday, June 11, 2010
For the podcast we need to both use concepts from the textbook, but each use different ones. Do you know what the concepts are or where we can find them at in the text?
To do take it that this podcast is just use telling the parents overall what the project is?I guess I am a litt confused on what we need to be talking about.
I see that we need to have music and make sure that both are podcasts can flow into each others nicely. Do you think we should use the same music?
Also, do you think we have anything we need to change on our collaborative inspiration concept map? Is there anything you'd like to add or remove? For my movie I did the 3 R's of recycling, I think it would be cool to add that to the final project as well. But I dont want us to have to much. Let me know what you are thinking.
To do take it that this podcast is just use telling the parents overall what the project is?I guess I am a litt confused on what we need to be talking about.
I see that we need to have music and make sure that both are podcasts can flow into each others nicely. Do you think we should use the same music?
Also, do you think we have anything we need to change on our collaborative inspiration concept map? Is there anything you'd like to add or remove? For my movie I did the 3 R's of recycling, I think it would be cool to add that to the final project as well. But I dont want us to have to much. Let me know what you are thinking.
Lesson Plan Two
For lesson plan two we need to each pick a different aspect of recycling and when planning the lesson we need to make sure it has something to do with collecting data. For my lesson I am going to have students collect data on how much they recycle and when they do so. Does that sound okay with you? What do you think you will do?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
This is the map the students will use to answer questions. Students will be responsible for drawing a line from Kalamazoo to Liverpool. Students will be given several questions to answer using the map as a guide. Here are the questions.
- Students will have to find out how many miles it is from here to Liverpool
- Students will have to find out how long it takes in an airplane to get there
- Students have to find out how much a plane ticket to Liverpool cost
- Students have to tell which ocean they would cross over when traveling to Liverpool
- Students will have to tell at least 3 specific landforms they crossed over if they flew to Liverpool
- Students will have to tell at least 3 cities (within 50 miles of their flight) that they flew over
All students will answer questions in complete sentences and they will all given vivid details in their answers.
This is the map the students will use to answer questions. Students will be responsible for drawing a line from Kalamazoo to Liverpool. Students will be given several questions to answer using the map as a guide. Here are the questions.
- Students will have to find out how many miles it is from here to Liverpool
- Students will have to find out how long it takes in an airplane to get there
- Students have to find out how much a plane ticket to Liverpool cost
- Students have to tell which ocean they would cross over when traveling to Liverpool
- Students will have to tell at least 3 specific landforms they crossed over if they flew to Liverpool
- Students will have to tell at least 3 cities (within 50 miles of their flight) that they flew over
All students will answer questions in complete sentences and they will all given vivid details in their answers.
Finished Map and Write-up
I added some to the write up that incorporated the map. I also put to check points on the map one on Kalamazoo and one on Liverpool. It will be the students responsibility to use the map and draw a line from here to there. Also, students will have to answer other questions using the map. I will give a better description once I post the map on the blog. If your cool with everything else I am going to start finalizing these things and post them. Let me know.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Okay, I looked over the google document, and I tried adding a few more things, but I couldn't think of much more to add because the one you already had mad seemed awesome. I saw that we needed to add a specific location. So I just picked liverpool, England (the speak English so it seemed like the easiest). I hope that works for you. If not just let me know. Also, I was going to try and make a route on the map from Kalamazoo to Liverpool, but I couldn't figure that out. If you want to look over the changes I made that would be great. When you look it over we just have to post the URL of the two things in the blog.
Google Doc Accounts
I got the invite for the map and the google documents accounts. I will try posting information on the two in just a few minutes. After I think about what to post I am going to think about what I want to go for the DS. Thanks for getting started on everything!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I created a folder for us in Google documents and I created a Map using Google Maps. You should recieve an invitation for both. If for some reason you don't please let me know. So, I just realized that we have to create a digital story. We have to post in the comments section of this blog what concept we are going to be working on for our digital story, so that we don't do the same one. I'll post mine in the comments in a few minutes.
This Week's Assignment
Hello, I just got the chance to look at this weeks assignment and I see that we have to work together on both parts. Lets first start off by figuring out where we want to go with the assignment. We have to include global awareness and cultural understanding and recycling all into one. (Kind of sounds difficult) We have to "assume" that our class is using epals to connect with students from another country. So, basically we have to think of a way to incorporate the 3 bold words into a lesson. Not forgetting we have to include a map.
I am going to create a folder for us in Google Documents, I'll send you invitation too accept. Once we get our ideas going we can start to putting together a description of the assignment.
I think once we get this part done the map part will be fairly easy.
Let me know your ideas
I am going to create a folder for us in Google Documents, I'll send you invitation too accept. Once we get our ideas going we can start to putting together a description of the assignment.
I think once we get this part done the map part will be fairly easy.
Let me know your ideas
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