Sunday, May 23, 2010


The Recycling Project – “What happens to the Trash?”
Places to recycle
Designated locations, home, school, stores

Different types of recyclables
Paper, plastic, glass, others?

Processes of recycling paper, plastic, glass, etc.
Research where it goes
How it is broken down
What it’s new uses is
How cost-efficient is this

Ways things can be used over
Recyclable Art
To build roads

Have students figure out how to reduce schools waste
How much space does trash really occupy/ virtual field trip to a junk yard
Test different types of papers to see which is better for use and recycling

1 comment:

  1. What do you think? These are all just ideas, I have no problem with changing anything or even the whole thing. Just let me know what you think and give me any suggestion on things we can add to make it better.
