Friday, May 28, 2010

My lesson

I decided to do my lesson on what you can recycle and process of recycling different materials, such as paper glass, plastic, etc. I felt like the two kind of go hand in hand and it would be good to put them together. The example lesson plan in module 3 helped me out a lot.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Here are my 3 websites




Check them out if you get a chance.

My lesson

If you aren't already doing this I am going to do my lesson on "How long does trash last?" The students will work in groups and decide between a number of different materials. They will be deciding which materials biodegrade the fast and then they will be estimating how long it takes each item. I think it's a good starter lesson. Let me know what you think.

Lesson Plan

Ya 3rd grade works for me, just let me know what your lesson is going to be on and I'll put together one using a different 'topic.' The recycling city website is awesome and we should definitely incorporate that into one of our lessons. If not this time then sometime throughout the unit. I'm going to do the rest of my websites today and probably start on my lesson plan. There is a great example of what the lesson plan is suppose to look like in Module #3. If you haven't take a look at it, it helped me better understand what we have to do. Any questions or comments, let me know.

Thanks, Brad
Since we can't use the same websites.. Here are the 3 I am using.

Lesson Plan

I think I understand it better of what we are doing. :)

Lesson Plan

I am just starting to write my lesson plan. Are we each suppose to pick one thing to focus on? Like I do the different things you can recycle and you pick one of the other four? and for each day we do a different lesson. This will be a five day lesson?

Grade Level

How does 3rd grade sound? It's kind of in the middle of elementary aged students... I plan to work on my lesson things today.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grade Level?

I just read over what we have to do and I wanted to know what grade level you want to use. Since we have to create a lesson plan this week we should probably have a grade in mind that we are going to use. Let me know what you want to do, I am going to start working on my lesson plan soon. Also, I'll post the 3 websites that I plan on using today or tomorrow. If you have any questions let me know.

Thanks, Brad

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Module 3

Hi Brad!
I am going to be out of town from Friday night to Monday after. I was wondering which days worked between now and then would you be available to work on the group tasks? Thanks,

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thank you Brad for making the concept map. It looks great!

Collaborative Inspiration Concept Map

I posted under your last comment. I am going to start doing that until we start another topic of discussion if that's alright. I was just not sure if you saw it or not.
I really enjoy all of those ideas. Do you have to pick one or can we touch a little on all of those?


The Recycling Project – “What happens to the Trash?”
Places to recycle
Designated locations, home, school, stores

Different types of recyclables
Paper, plastic, glass, others?

Processes of recycling paper, plastic, glass, etc.
Research where it goes
How it is broken down
What it’s new uses is
How cost-efficient is this

Ways things can be used over
Recyclable Art
To build roads

Have students figure out how to reduce schools waste
How much space does trash really occupy/ virtual field trip to a junk yard
Test different types of papers to see which is better for use and recycling
Ya, that'll work. I get back with you in a few minutes.
Okay. I think should talk about how recycling benefits us and the environment. We could also talk about how there are different places to recycle different items. For example, you don't put plastic with paper.. Does that sound like somewhat of a start?
Ya, I just looked at other concept maps and from that I think that it is pretty much our choice on what kind of project we want to do. Of course we're going to want to include technology and recycling for sure, but I am thinking we have lots of options. I am going to research some recycling projects on google, for a couple minutes and get back with you in about 15 mins. with some ideas on that. I will get started on the concept map as well. Any questions let me know.

I think you are correct about this being a rough draft for our project. However I am also a little confused on where we can do to see what this project is suppose to be. I was thinking about visiting others blogs to figure it out..
I've already downloaded, so I can post it first. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this concept map suppose to be a rough draft outline of our project. That's what I am understanding, I may be wrong though. Here's another question, what or where can I find some specifications of what the project is all about and do you have any ideas for the project or the concept map?
Hey! I just saw that we have to decide when each of us is going to post using Inspiration. Would you like to download it first or would you like me too? Totally up to you.
Hey, hope your weekend is going well. If it's okay with you can we blog back and forth around 6:30 - whenever. I'm leaving to go to that birthday party right now, but I'll get after this when I get home for sure. The place I'm going has internet access so I maybe be able to get on there, but either way I will be home and back online at 6:30 or before for sure. Talk to you later.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I just created our blog for recycling!